Steps To Collect Before You Engage An Attorney

Collecting overdue receivables requires consistency, research and firm deadlines.  Following these simple STEPS TO COLLECT before engaging Frisella Law Firm to improve your inhouse collection efforts:

  • Send invoices every month or immediately when due; do not delay.
  • Send an OVERDUE NOTICE as soon as a payment is late, once, with a 2-week deadline.
  • Send a FINAL DEMAND LETTER, once, with a 7-day deadline and a warning that the invoice will be sent to your outside collection attorney at Frisella Law Firm.

If you are being ignored, try using alternative methods of contact to ensure your invoice isn’t falling through the cracks (ie: email, text or call a cell number, send a letter – yes, with a stamp through the post office, fax and phone calls still work).  If you are trying to collect from anyone who has a boss, go over their head or reach out to someone in a different department.  These simple STEPS TO COLLECT before you engage an attorney can help you get paid.  Be consistent, do some digging, and remain a squeaky wheel.  Good Luck!

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